Whenever user from AD removed, The user id remained at sharepoint without automatically remove.
Here is the steps to remove invalid user using powershell:
1. get a list of user from sharepoint and save to a file
cmdlet: get-spuser -web http://portal select userlogin | sort userlogin | foreach{ $_.userlogin.remove(0,5) out-file spuser.txt
2 Open spuser.txt manually scan through and remove non user id such as itsupport, ifca, boss, etc
3. copy/move spuser.txt to AD server.
4. Open AD Powershell from AD server.
5. create a script file and with code below:
$content = get-content "$(get-location)\spuser.txt" # load the list of user id from spuser.txt file.
out-file remove-list.txt #generate a user list that need to be removed at sharepoint server
foreach ($line in $content)
try {
get-aduser $line -ErrorAction stop | selectsamaccountname -expandproperty samaccountname
} # try
catch {
"absb\" + $line | out-file -append remove-list.txt
} # catch
} # foreach
6. Once remove-list generated, copy to sharepoint server
7. create a script file with code below:
set-variable -name portal -value "http://portal" -option constant
$content = get-content "$(get-location)\remove-list.txt"
out-file deleted.txt # to record deleted id
foreach ($line in $content) {
remove-spuser $identity $line -web $portal $confirm:$false
get-spuser $line -web $portal -ErrorAction stop
} # try
catch {
$line + " -deleted." | out-file -append deleted.txt
} # catch
} # foreach